Thursday, May 22, 2008

Code Archaeologist

It is absolutely no coincidence that we are looking at that title the same day as the new Indiana Jones starts. Similarly to the man with the whip chasing cradles and skulls over all seven continents a code archaeologist is chasing source code over all seven source repositories - always in a race against time and exposed to the treacherous source lines of past civilizations. Changing a character here can make the whole temple ahem program explode with our archaeologist stuck in the middle. Sometimes literacy in ancient languages (Cobol comes to mind) is as necessary as Egyptian hieroglyphs. Some code archaeologists had some success with using mythical weapons like unit testing and extreme programming. However as most archaeologist in real life are still looking for the holy grail our code archaeologist is still searching, too.

Titles describing similar functions are legacy code explorer, Cobol developer, deep code diver, and of course code gerontologist or proctologist.

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