Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Diversity Coordinator

A public university is always a good source for strange positions. To make things more interesting public institutions give you two titles: a payroll title to determine your pay and a more fancy one to put on your business card. Diversity coordinator is the later one and from what I have been told the major goal is to promote growth of historically underrepresented populations among campus groups which is kind of hilarious.

The complete description from the web site:

  1. Coordinate programs and initiatives promoting growth of historically underrepresented populations among campus groups and student organizations, including the development and implementation of a strategic plan for diversity in line with the Office of the President’s strategic plan to increase diversity among the UCSD graduate student population.
  2. Serve as a GSA representative to the UCSD Diversity Council or appoint, subject to GSAUCSD Council approval, a replacement.
  3. Advise the VP Internal on the appointment of GSAUCSD representatives, subject to GSAUCSD Council approval, to diversity committees: Affirmative Action and Diversity Committee of the Academic Senate, Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Issues, Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women, and Women's Center Advisory Board.
  4. Work to promote diversity in the body of students participating in GSA and sponsored events including the All-Grad Symposium and the annual statewide Students of Color Conference.
  5. Organize an annual meeting between the diversity coordinators of each department and OGS staff to share best practices of recruitment and retention of minority students.

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